Groundwork vs. Lunging

Think of the old cell phones from the 90’s. Big. Cumbersome. Did not work well. Poor reception. Only had one function. The 90’s cell phone is the equivalent to lunging. Not very effective, outdated and has only one function - get some energy out of the horse. 

Now think about the iPhone, or the smartphones that we have today. Shiny, sleek. Convenient. Technologically advanced. Multiple capabilities. You can’t remember how you went through life without it before. Groundwork is the iPhone - one of the biggest advancements in horse training in the last 40 years. 

The main issue with lunging is that while you may get some extra energy out of the horse, or wear him out a little, it does not engage the horse’s mind very much at all. The horse is typically running around on a fifty foot line, head tipped to the outside of the circle, running, bucking, farting - completely not paying attention to the human on the other end of the lunge line - or dragging said human. 

In contrast, groundwork involves a variety of exercises that teach a horse to focus, respect you as a leader, and relax by moving his feet in a controlled manner. It also works to minimize a horse’s natural flight instinct, teaching them to think instead of react. There are many different styles, methods and applications - but they all revolve around the same concept of COMMUNICATING with the horse. 

Many people do not realize how much you can get into a horse’s mind using groundwork and what you can accomplish. You can fix behavioral issues, alter attitudes, remove fear, create focus, and teach relaxation - which all result in a safer, more dependable horse. 


What you release is what you teach


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